
We're expecting our first!

We've told just about everyone, but I thought it would be worth putting on the blog as well. Just to create that official "record". Also, the little one can see how dorky his/her parents were by blogging about when he/she was still in Momma's stomach. Andrea is pregnant and it's pretty stinkin' cool.

Now, as most of you know (hopefully all of you know), the Whitakers are a Christian family. We believe in God and in his son Jesus. Something I will never be able to understand is that there are people (particularly parents) that don't believe in God. If I was a non-believer, looking at the first ultrasound in the hospital room, would change my mind in an instant! How in the world can someone look at that ultrasound and think that anything but God created it? To look at the ultrasound and see a miniature heartbeat, and to see this "form" molding into a person is amazing! Amazing! God is amazing at what He does, that's all I can say.

Andrea is 14 weeks along right now. The poor thing has been doing the morning sickness thing and we hope that she is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We have our next appointment on April 10. The due date is September 27th. We are finding out the gender around Week 20 which should put us in the first half of May.

We've been pricing central air-conditioning for the house. Andrea should be pretty pregnant during the hottest part of summer, so I think we're going to pull the trigger installing a heat-pump here in the next couple of weeks. It will go a long way to making the house a ton more comfortable.

Well, I think that's about it - I put up a couple of ultrasound pics so you could see our little bundle. These I think are Week 7 pictures. Right now, at week 14, the kid is the size of a lemon. :)


Abby said...

And I also don't understand how anyone can be pro-abortion after seeing an ultrasound!!!
Congrats again- Can't wait to meet the little one!!!

Unknown said...

yay!! :o) Our due date last year was Sep 30th- yeah, go for the AC!!! It was HOT! (But nice too, since she can wear skirts and flip flops instead of maternity turtlenecks and jackets- blah! So excited for you guys. It's the best. THE BEST!!

Brian said...
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