
Pumpkin Carving with The Craigs

Matt & Kristi Craig invited us over last night for some pumpkin carving. An impromptu pre-Halloween party with just the four of us.

Earlier in the day Ben made a deal with me that if I gave him half my cookie, he would scoop the guts out of my pumpkin. Ummm..no branier...I shouldn't have been eating the cookie to begin with! As a result - I didn't get too messy in this process. Kristi didn't actually carve a pumpkin but she did serve us some homemade apple pie. I probably shouldn't have been eating that either, but I did, and it was delicious.

Here's photos of the beauties we created.


Abby said...

Looks very fun and Scott would love the Cowboy one...hmmm... I wonder who did that one....:)

Anonymous said...

I feel very important to have made the blog! Thanks for a fun evening you guys.
