
More Painting

This weekend was another weekend full of painting. Saturday Ben and I painted our Master Bedroom, then Sunday I ventured all the way to Creswell (just past Eugene) to do some painting in Savannah's new bedroom. Savannah is the two-year old daughter of Tim & Jenny Bonn who are our good friends. They moved into a new house six months ago and Jenny asked me to put some finishing touches on her room. So the pretty pink words and flowers are my contribution. This type of painting is much easier, cleaner and faster than the other kind of painting we have been doing lately. (Only 4 more rooms to go!)
I hope Savannah loves her new room!


Rachelle said...

You did an amazing job!

Abby said...

That looks so cute. How did she do the scallop?

Andrea said...

Abby, She told me they traced the edge of a plate and very carefully painted it by hand. It is very cute - but looks like a lot of patience is required.

Anonymous said...

Savannah loves the nursery & so do I! You did a great job!