
What's been going on

I'm finally back to good health after battling the nasty virus going around. Sorry it's kept me from keeping up on our blog. It is good to be amongst the living again, and thank you for all of the well-wishes!

This week Ben and I have been toying with the idea of selling our house and upgrading. The entire week we've been on a roller coaster of should we or shouldn't we. We went to look at a house in Tualatin on Monday which turned out to not exactly be our dream house, but it served as the catalyst for the rest of the week. We drove around neighborhoods in Sherwood and Tualatin to try to figure out which end of town we really want to call home (and we're still not sure). Now we're making a list of the things we need to do to get our house market ready, and we're still not sure we're ready to do it. Decisions, decisions.

One of the repairs we have to make is our kitchen sink. (And the only reason I mention it is because I have a photo of it, and like others I hate the idea of blogging without photos.)

So this is what happens when you put a hot pan in a sink that is not made of cast iron. Looks like we need to buy a whole new sink. The good news is, we went to Home Depot and sinks are not as expensive as we thought. If any of our fellow bloggers have any secret plumbing skills, maybe we can talk before we take this on.

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