
"You want me to do what?"

Vomit the Dog.

So we get home from work last night thinking of what we're going to do for dinner. Also, wondering what the next step is in getting the house ready to put up for sale. When we walk in, the first thing that we see is a bag that previously had been filled with approximately 15 chocolate chip cookies.

Andrea had bought them for me the night before, and I was looking forward to eating them for dessert last night. They were sitting towards the edge of the coffee table, and it seems that Payton had gotten hold of them. The story, obviously doesn't stop there.

So, knowing that chocolate is poisonous for dogs, I called the Emergency Vet number that I had programmed into my phone (this isn't the first time we've had to use it - whole packs of gum, ant traps, entire bag of HALLS Lozenges, have also mysteriously disappeared). So I'm explaining the situation to the vet and she puts me on hold a moment. Then comes back to the phone with a phrase that I've never heard before.

"Vomit the dog."

Much like "Walk the Dog" as far as sentence structure, but a dramatically different activity altogether. So she proceeds to tell me the way to do this is to give Payton 2 Tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide, and that should do the trick. She said it would continue working until his stomach was empty. It did. Payton and I spent about 45 minutes bonding in the bathroom.

We felt so bad for him because one minute he's happy and full of Chocolate Chip cookies, and the next minute, well, not so full anymore - and not so happy.

Anyway, he's fine now and back to his old self. We're not sure what's gotten into him. He is still a very well behaved dog, but he has his moments of rebellion where he randomly gets into something.

I think God may be giving us a very mild "Kid Test".


Strauss House said...

Oh my gosh - this is just stinkin' hilarious. I don't know who I feel worse for - Ben or the pooch!

Kristi said...

Bad Payton! Hope he is doing ok.

Anonymous said...

Ask Kay Limbaugh about the time her two beagles ate her truffles. A very similar story!