
Dinner with The Bonns

Tim & Jenny were in town briefly on Friday and we were lucky enough to meet up with them for dinner. We don't get to see them often enough so it was a real treat. The weather was perfect so we took advantage and strolled around the commons before eating. We ate at Lee's Kitchen for some chinese food and good conversation. Ben and I got to see firsthand how much more work it is to go out to eat with a toddler, but Savannah is just cute as can be.

Fun to hang out with you guys!

p.s. Ben and I did not do the Mickey Mouse shirt thing on purpose. This is one of multiple times we have left the house in matching shirts and not realized it until later. Yet another sign we are meant to be, right?

1 comment:

Abby said...

UMMM......how much weight have you lost?! You look great!!

How fun to see Tim and Jennie!! I miss them....lets plan a girls weekend sooon!! And we'll leave the toddlers at home....believe me I know how much work restaurants are with them!